Meet Ackson Kawamba

Ackson Kawamba wearing a face mask
Ackson at the College of Medicine

We first met Ackson in 2014 when he came to us seeking help with tuition for high school, which is not free in Malawi. We didn’t have enough funds, so we had to turn him away. He came back in 2017, this time seeking help for college. We turned him away; we simply had too many quaified applicants for the number of education dollars available. He tried again in 2019, with the same disappointing result.

Ackson boldly sought Pamoza support again this year. He was in his second year of study at the College of Medicine, one of the most academically selective universities in Malawi, but the annual tuition of $1,000 per year was too much for his family to afford. Ackson’s persistence was finally rewarded, and we put him on the list of students to receive a scholarship beginning in January 2022. He has hope. In a country where only 1% of the population makes it to college, he feels incredibly blessed to be able to continue pursuing his passion for advancing community health.

Ackson calls Pamoza a “hope-instilling organization,” but it is we who are inspired with hope when we see the strength and tenacity of students like Ackson. His lifelong dream to become a doctor is tied to the dreams he holds for his community: to see the Zowe clinic expanded and to see disease prevented through improved sanitation, hygiene, nutrition, and safe water sources. He and his siblings have experienced the benefits of Pamoza’s agriculture programs, and they are armed with hope.

Ackson at Malawi College of Medicine

Investing in one student like Ackson has the potential to transform an entire community, like the village where his family is still living – a village where there is no running water, no electricity, and poor access to health care, but lots of hope.

Right now, you have the opportunity to help us spread more hope to the families we serve in rural Malawi. Make a gift today to support more students like Ackson and your gift can help lift future generations out of poverty.


"It's not about you, it's not about me, it's about 'we' working together as one. Small positive acts when multiplied by many people can transform the community." - Ackson Kawamba

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